The Patient Health Questionnaire Module for Depression (PHQ-9)
Used to  evaluate  patients in primary care for evidence of depression
Are you evaluating a patient for evidence of depression? (Y or N) Yes No
 Please choose the appropriate column for how you have felt over the past 2 weeks (give only 1 answer per row)
Little interest or pleasure in doing things Not at all Several days More than half Nearly every day
Feeling down, depressed or hopeless Not at all Several days More than half Nearly every day
Trouble with sleeping (too much or little, difficulty falling or staying asleep) Not at all Several days More than half Nearly every day
Feeling tired or having little energy Not at all Several days More than half Nearly every day
Trouble with eating (too much, too little) Not at all Several days More than half Nearly every day
Feeling bad about self Not at all Several days More than half Nearly every day
Trouble concentrating on things Not at all Several days More than half Nearly every day
Moving and talking too fast or too slow Not at all Several days More than half Nearly every day
Thoughts of hurting self or being better off dead Not at all Several days More than half Nearly every day
Please choose the appropriate column to indicate how much difficult these feelings have made work, home life or getting along with others (give only 1 answer)
Difficulty as a result of these feelings No difficulties Somewhat difficult Very difficult Extremely difficult